If you sell handmade crafts or art,
then you are probably discovering the
need to know...who you make for...

But how do you actually go about fiGURING THAT OUT?

If you're like most handmade business owners, you have a pretty good handle on what your product is and how to make it... But when it comes to actually nailing down those ideal customers—the ones who are really going to love and use your products—it can be tough. That's where I step in. I created this easy-to-use online tool that will help you figure out exactly who your ideal customers are, what they're looking for, and how to reach them. With just a few clicks, you'll be on your way to building a customer base that's passionate about your products.

This guide will help you:

1. Know your ideal customers!
Stop guessing and start knowing who your ideal customer is for real. This guide takes the average business owner through a process of discovering their specific type of customer, down to the last detail.

2. Understand what they are dealing with:
Once you know WHO they are, it's time to figure out WHAT makes them tick. What keeps them up at night? What are their current struggles? Knowing this will help you empathize with them (and sell to them more effectively).

3. Create a better brand experience for them:
Knowing all of the above means that you can create an experience for your customers that draws them in—without selling.

4. Be the CEO
that you know you are meant to be.
Major brands know the importance of knowing who they sell too. You can use this to grow your creative business into the brand you dream about.

I'm the "gentle-BULLDOZER" that will help you take your creative business to the next level.

No seriously, I am. And I'm here to help you out. You see, us artists, we are a special breed. We're creative, passionate, and driven individuals who often have a lot of trouble sticking to traditional business practices. That's where I come in! I'll give you the boost you need to get your art career off the ground and all the tools to do it right. Whether it's providing inspiration when you're feeling down, or kicking you in the butt when you need it, or heck, designing you a professional website. I'm here to help. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Love To You - Heather Bunker

CEO of Heather Bunker Branding Co and