A few examples of work that I have put together for clients:

check out the work

A Dogs Life Training Logo

Are you ready to TRANSFORM 

I understand how it feels to stand at a brick wall and not know where to go next, who to talk to, what to say, and how to present yourself in the best way. No one should have to experience the frustration of creating a visual identity (logo) without clarity, direction, and the comfort of knowing you don't have to do it alone. I don't want you to spend hours trying to write the copy for your website, or manage an online campaign all by yourself. I have been their, trying to do everything all by your lonesome—and it's exhausting.

I want to help transform your creative business, launch your products and turn them into your bread and butter—turn your craft, hobby, passion, or whatever the heck you call it into a highly visible, credible, and trustworthy brand.

Don't miss any more revenue or waste your hard earned money on design before you gain much needed clarity for your business.

I'm the "gentle-BULLDOZER" that will help you take your creative business to the next level.

No seriously, I am. And I'm here to help you out. You see, us artists, we are a special breed. We're creative, passionate, and driven individuals who often have a lot of trouble sticking to traditional business practices. That's where I come in! I'll give you the boost you need to get your art career off the ground and all the tools to do it right. Whether it's providing inspiration when you're feeling down, or kicking you in the butt when you need it, or heck, designing you a professional website. I'm here to help. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Love To You - Heather Bunker

CEO of Heather Bunker Branding Co and MyMakerSchool.com